If you have received a default notice, you have a grace period to make the loan current before the lender forecloses and the house goes to auction. That time in between is often called the pre foreclosure period. If you obtain pre foreclosure loans to help you make the account current, then the foreclosure proceedings are terminated and you are back to normal. However, if you don't do that there are other types of pre foreclosure loans that others will offer you to settle your account while selling your house too. It's during this time when investors may try to contact you to buy your property with pre foreclosure loans that can help you get out of a tight spot and leave you with some money in your pocket. It will definitely help you keep your credit in better shape too.
If You Are Already Selling
You may have a real estate agent, but that doesn't mean you can't get a pre foreclosure loan from an interested investor. They will, however, have less leeway to settle a deal with you directly. They will most likely work with your real estate agent who may want some cut of the deal for all their work. If you have not put up the home for sale, you may get contacted directly to see if you would be willing to do a pre foreclosure deal.
Why Pre foreclosure Loans?
Pre foreclosure loans are a great way to stop foreclosure in its track. The lender doesn't care where you get the money from, they just care that your account is current. So, if you find a private lender who will offer you a pre foreclosure loan, you might be able to save the home. Or, if you want to sell quickly, then a private investor can offer you a pre foreclosure loan which is discount 15 to 20% of the value of the home to pay off the loan and sell it to them directly. If you have significant equity in the home, it might be preferable to lose a bit on the sale of the house and keep your credit intact, then it would be for you to default on the mortgage completely. Pre foreclosure loans offer you a way out when things are very rough and you are having trouble selling your home. Typically, you will only have a set period, which can vary with every situation, from when you receive a foreclosure notice to when the house goes to auction. If you can't sell through conventional means, then letting go some of the equity in exchange for a fast sale can be the answer.
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