One of the biggest problems with having a bankruptcy or a foreclosure on your record is the way it limits your loan options. Bad credit foreclosure loans options end up either coming with high interest rates or nonexistent until a waiting period has been satisfied. Conventional lenders can be a bit wary to lend money to people with bad credit foreclosure loans information on their credit records, although it can also depend on what type of loan you are seeking.


Waiting Periods

A bankruptcy can stay on your credit report for up to 10 years, even though the possible filing period is every seven years. That doesn't mean you can't get loans after you have bad credit foreclosure loans dings on your credit report. It means you most likely will have to wait about six months to be eligible for a loan and then they will come with higher interest rates or larger down payments. You don't always have to go with a conventional lender if you find you are being denied outright. You can use a hard money lender although they typically charge 4 to 5 points of the loan as a fee and have very high interest rates and down payments. The difference here in waiting periods is whether you actually file for bankruptcy or merely foreclosure.

If you have bad credit foreclosure information in your file but not bankruptcy, the waiting period for re-establishing your credit is far less than with a bankruptcy on record. Although the maximum length can still be within the seven to ten year range, many people recover quicker from a foreclosure than a bankruptcy because lenders are willing to make loans to them regardless. Also, exactly what happened during your foreclosure impacts what will happen later. Maybe your lender even managed to sell the home and recoup most of the foreclosure costs. You don't really know how bad the foreclosure will be until it is all said and done. What you do know is that even the FHA will allow you to buy another home within two years and that means your waiting period is less for reinstating your credit, even though you may still retain bad credit foreclosure loans information in your file. It simply doesn't have as big an impact as bankruptcy, if your goal is to own a home.

Types of Loans

As can be seen, all of this depends on the types of loans you are seeking after you've had a foreclosure or gone bankrupt. Ironically, if you have bankruptcy in your credit file, you may get flooded with offers for credit cards. The reason for this is despite the bad credit foreclosure loans and bankruptcy information on file, credit card issuers know you can't refile for bankruptcy for another seven years. So, you've got a clean slate and are obligated to repay them, making you a more favorable risk to high-interest rate credit card issuers.

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