As a homeowner, you have the ability and the resources available to you to make foreclosure stop. It is up to you, though, to make that happen. Lenders are working to manage their own bottom line and without you making payments to them on a monthly basis, they are not making a profit. Their instant reaction must be to get out of that loan because it poses more risk than ever. Therefore, if you want to find a way to make foreclosure stop you really do need to work hard at meeting your financial goals.

There are a number of ways to make foreclosure stop. Your goals should be met, though, which can be a concern for many people. Here are some foreclosure methods.

1. Contact your lender and set up a repayment schedule to be caught up on the obligations you have. Some will work with you to make weekly or monthly additional payments until you are caught back up.

2. Refinance your home loan into something more affordable. By taking out equity in your home, you can lower your monthly payment, or you can refinance into a longer term, which will help you be able to make monthly payments on time. Look for a fixed rate loan.

3. File for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, which will immediately make foreclosure stop for a limited amount of time. This legal action allows you and your lenders to come to an agreement of repaying the loan so that you can get caught up and make foreclosure stop.

4. Sell your home. Selling your home within the few months of foreclosure will clear you of the debt, but you must make enough money from the sale of the home to pay off all that you owe your lenders, which may include fees, closing costs and other expenses. In some markets, this is hard to do because of the length of time it takes to sell a home.

5. Request a short sale from your lender in which you simply hand over the loan to the lender and walk away, or you offer the lender a set amount of money to get out of the loan.

6. Allow a real estate investor to take over your loan, as allowable by your lender. This will make foreclosure stop for you.

These are the most commonly used methods to make foreclosure stop. It is up to you to find a method that works for you and your financial goals. Since every situation is different, be sure to work on a level that works for you.

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