When looking for a foreclosure listing, keep in mind that you can purchase a foreclosure property at any stage of the process. You can get a pre foreclosure listing when the property is still in the hands of the owners or you can wait until the foreclosure listing is a result of a foreclosure initiated by the bank, mortgage company, credit union, or financial lending institution.
You can also find a foreclosure listing that could be suitable for your own financial needs when the government has seized property because of taxes, criminal activity, or other mortgage or non payment of house and property payments.
You can look for a foreclosure listing from your local county clerk’s office; a foreclosure listing would be on public record, or you can find bank REO listings through their attorneys.
One would think that finding a foreclosure listing would be as easy as looking through the newspaper. Why wouldn’t it be? It is property being sold, is it not? The fact of the matter is that banks and leading financial institutions do not want to publicly acknowledge how many bad debts they have on their books. It is quite embarrassing for them; therefore a person looking for a foreclosure listing must pretty well know the hidden market.
Even though the financial lending institutions do not openly broadcast their major loses on foreclosure homes and property they still need to sell fast. They cannot hold on to assets that do not generate income. They must sell fast. As a result, the investor can find the right foreclosure listing and subsequent buying opportunity that is well below current market value. Despite selling well below market value, this business decision is more appealing for them than holding onto property that they will have to continue to maintain, pay taxes, and take care of other property ownership requirements.
Another way of finding a foreclosure listing is to check out realty auctions. First investigate the realty auction listings on websites, or watch out for the auction activity in the local papers, then go to the auctions, and see the property.
Finally, you can do a quick google search and find foreclosure listings on the Internet as well. It does not matter if you are looking for a home for yourself, or whether you are looking to buy property to rent out as a solid income source, or whether you want to flip the property to make a quick profit. There is a foreclosure listing out there for you. You simply need to do some research, find out all the possible locations where a foreclosure listing can be found and work from there.
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